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Jeff Kothe - Author, Speaker

Dr. Joe DiDuro - Neurologist

Peripheral Neuropathy -
The Truth About Living Symptom Free

94% Effective Rate for treating Peripheral Neuropathy
No Drugs! No Surgeries! No Painful Injections!

At DIY NeuroRevive, we believe that most people who suffer from Peripheral Neuropathy do so NEEDLESSLY!. Our mission is to empower you on your journey to living Symptom Free through our self-administered Home Therapy. Experience personalized treatment and expert Neurological guidance, all designed to get back the normalcy of your lifestyle and elevate your well-being.
Join us and discover a more vibrant, balanced, and fulfilling life. Let's redefine what it means to be healthy.

With over 40 years of Clinical Experience, Dr. Joe DiDuro is the Founder and President of The Neuropathy Treatment Centers of America and a Founding Partner of DIY NeuroRevive - both designed to give people an education and an alternative treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy and get away from the prescriptions, surgeries and injections sufferers have been subjected to for years! Our focus is the Quality of Life for our patients, allowing them to live Symptom Free for the rest of their days!

Take it from the Neurologist who developed the treatment or take it from a Patient who has Peripheral Neuropathy, took the treatment for 9 months and has lived Symptom Free for over 7 years!

If you, or someone you know has Peripheral Neuropathy (or is likely to get PN due to Diabetes, Chemotherapy, or one of the many causes of this disease),make sure they see this free book offer because educating yourself about Peripheral Neuropathy is a key component to getting on the path to a Symptom Free Life!

What Do I Need To Know About The Treatment?

Tell me about the treatment

The treatment is Technical and developing it has been Complicated but it is over 94% Effective in helping to reverse the progress of Peripheral Neuropathy, even though it is Self-Administered.

How long does a typical treatment last?

The duration of a treatment is only 15 to 20 minutes at any one time. Typically, a patient will start with 2 treatments per day for the first week or two, dropping to once daily treatment, then 3-4 times per week, then a couple times per week, then weekly until the symptoms are gone for a few weeks. We provide a detailed timeline before starting any treatment to set clear expectations. Remember that each case is different in duration and severity.

What is so special about these light pads??

These pads are a combination of red lights and infrared lights at specific wavelengths proven to be most effective at altering cells below the skin's surface so that blood vessels and nerve endings can be rejuvenated.

What else is needed for the treatment to be effective??

There will be Vitamin Supplement Sprays you will need to take plus Nitric Oxide (NO) Boosters to help get more oxygen into your bloodstream and help your blood vessels carry away cellular waste while delivering Oxygen, Nutrients and Glucose.

Here are some of the Key Components of Your Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment:

How can you tell if this Treatment will Work for Me?

Since our treatment is over 94% Effective,
we will ask the following 15 questions to make sure you Qualify!



Mon – Sat 8:00am – 7:00pm

Sunday – CLOSED

Need to Contact Us?

DIY NeuroRevive

Live Symptom Free from Peripheral Neuropathy with a treatment that is over 94% Effective at stopping the Progress of this crippling, debilitating disease.

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Call/Text: 469-969-9722


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